Thursday, May 31, 2018

Satis Configuration

Enable the Satis plugin on each Package you want to expose via Satis. A webhook will be installed in GitHub or GitLab to enable the automatic update of your Satis repository information.

Note: You must also ensure a Resque worker is running for automatic webhook updating to work. See the section on Resque management for more information.

Packages uses the information retrieved from GitHub and GitLab to generate a satis.json configuration. Satis consumes this file, and generates a packages.json file that Composer can use to resolve private dependencies.

Notice: packages.json is publicly accessible unless secure_satis: true is specified in config.yml.

Browsing available packages

Visit your Packages installation's landing page and click the Available Packages button to see a listing of packages and versions available in the repository.

Note: If secure_satis: true is specified, you will be required to login before viewing this page.

Manually updating Satis

Sometimes you need to manually build or generate the exposed Satis information. You can do this by using the Packages command-line interface.

bin/console satis:build

Using your Satis repository

In your project's composer.json, add the section repositories if it doesn't already exist. Then add a new composer repository with your Packages URL as the url.

  /* ... */
  "require": { /* ... */ },
  "repositories": [
      "type": "composer",
      "url":  ""
  /* ... */

Creating dist archives

Specify archive: true in config.yml to enable the creation of archives of each version of the available packages in your repository.

Note: Run bin/console satis:build to rebuild your entire Satis repository after you change this option.

Terramar Labs