Thursday, May 31, 2018


Packages requires:

Download the latest release on GitHub or clone the project.

git clone
cd packages

Install dependencies.

composer install -o --no-dev

Copy config.yml.dist to config.yml, editing the values appropriately.

cp config.yml.dist config.yml
vi config.yml

Create your database if necessary, then run the schema tool to create your database schema.

bin/console orm:schema-tool:create

Next, you can use the built-in PHP webserver to test your setup.

php -S localhost:8081 -t /path/to/packages/web

Visit localhost:8081 in your browser and you should see your Packages application. Login with the username and password you entered in config.yml.

The final step is starting a background worker. Packages relies on these to perform the heavy lifting behind-the-scenes.

bin/console resque:worker:start &

Note: For more information on the Resque workers, check the dedication section.

Your installation is complete!

Next up

Using your Packages application.

Terramar Labs